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Workplace Mediation

Workplace conflicts are common and can inspire healthy innovation when managed properly. However, unmanaged conflict can paralyze productivity and undermine an organization’s health and longevity.

Mediation can be a more constructive, cost- and time-efficient method for managing active conflict than formal grievance procedures or lawsuits.

Mediation creates positive upstream effects in the workplace; managers and employees learn valuable dispute resolution skills that can prevent further conflict, saving employers valuable human and financial resources.

Workplace mediation can be especially useful for

  • resolving personality conflicts, grievances, and perceived discrimination
  • building consensus around divisive issues
  • helping employees adjust to new work practices, relocation or internal reorganization

Workplace mediation services include:

  • mediation of workplace conflict
  • conflict resolution training
  • facilitation for team meetings, conferences and events

The Mediation Process

Creating a Safe Space

The mediator creates a safe space for conflict resolution by welcoming all participants, demonstrating his/her neutrality, maintaining the confidential nature of the process, and setting the stage for healthy discussion.

Sharing Information and Perspectives

All participants are invited to share their story and unique perspective on the situation uninterrupted and with an emotional context. The mediator will often reflect back both the factual and emotional content of each participant’s statements.

Identifying the Main Concerns and Interests

After all perspectives have been shared, the mediator assists participants in identifying their main concerns and reframing the issues in terms of their underlying interests and needs.

Brainstorming Options

After issues have been clearly identified and articulated, participants explore solutions that meet everyone’s needs and interests to the greatest extent possible. Mediators encourage participants to develop more options than they might on their own, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Reaching an Agreement

Mediators help participants reach agreements that are realistic, specific and mutually acceptable. Because participants are empowered to create their own solutions, agreements are more satisfying and have a much higher rate of compliance than court-ordered settlements.